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Discover Kamchatka as a Land of Volcanoes and Unique Ethnic Culture (KK-01)

Group size
2-16 people
16 days
Moscow, Kamchatka
from £3,495
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See the majesty of Kamchatka for yourself in this active but easy-paced, comprehensive two week trip. You will have a chance to discover the local ethnic culture, and visit a settlement of the Evenk people, the native population of Kamchatka, who have not changed their lifestyle since ancient times, and retain the culture of their ancestors to the present day. You will travel mainly by helicopter, as some of locations you will visit are not connected with the rest of the world by any transport route.

Take this unique opportunity to enjoy this breathtaking heli -sightseeing, hike within the crater of an active volcano, bathe in hot springs, stay in a reindeer herder’s yurt, view wildlife, go fishing on Avacha bay, and much more. 

This journey is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see a part of the world untouched by civilization, and discover for yourself the purity and beauty of Kamchatka, which reminds us of the ancient world when people and nature lived happily together. You will have an unforgettable experience, coming back to nature and seeing how life was on our planet millions of years ago. See for yourself how Kamchatka has earned the title of Lost World!

IncludedServices included in the package price.
  • Accommodation
  • Breakfasts in Moscow
  • Full board in Kamchatka
  • Guided tours & entrance fees
  • Tour staff & support
  • Group equipment and gear
  • Airport transfers
  • Visas: checking service
Not includedServices not included in the package price.
Optional extras and upgradesMake your trip more rewarding. View options.
Practical informationAll you need to know about Go Russia packages.
Day 1
Transfer from the airport to the hotel
Arrival in Moscow. Our driver will meet you in the arrival sector with a Go Russia sign board. Transfer to the hotel.
Day 2
Moscow City Centre Walking Tour
Transfer from the hotel to the airport
During the tour we will walk around major cultural and historical points in Moscow. We will also visit the Red Square. In the evening transfer to the airport. Our driver will meet you with a Go Russia sign board at the hotel lobby. Overnight flight from Moscow to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
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Domestic flight: Moscow - Kamchatka
Day 2
Flight to Petropavlovsk: Moscow - Kamchatka
Overnight flight from Moscow to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
Day 3
Arrival in Petropavlovsk. Transfer from the airport to the hotel. Welcome lunch in a restaurant
Arrival in Petropavlovsk. Transfer from the airport to the hotel and check-in. Welcome lunch in a restaurant. Free time in the afternoon. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 4
Helicopter trip to the Valley of Geysers (optional)
A helicopter trip to the Valley of Geysers (optional). We will enjoy a breathtaking helicopter flight, skimming over Kamchatka's spine of towering volcanoes, and finally landing in the UNESCO World Heritage-Listed Valley of Geysers. Here we will see more than twenty active geysers and numerous mud pools, surrounded by beautiful and powerful water-and-steam fountains. Lunch will be provided during the day. Return to the helicopter base and then to Petropavlovsk.
Day 5
Drive by six wheel bus to the Mutnovsky volcano caldera, stopping to bathe in the Verkhne-Paratunskie mineral thermal springs and Viluchinsky volcano
We will drive by six wheel drive bus to the Mutnovsky volcano caldera (a caldera is a large, basin-shaped volcanic depression formed by the collapse of the roof of a magma chamber), which is about 150 km from Petropavlovsk. On our way, we will stop to bathe in the Verkhne-Paratunskie mineral thermal springs. Our next stop will be the Viluchinsky volcano. Here we will have a break near the Viluchinsky waterfall and enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of the volcanoes. After some rest, we will drive to our final destination - the caldera of Mutnovsky volcano. In the evening, we will go for a short walk on the caldera and enjoy a magic view of the ice-capped summit of Mutnovsky volcano - one of the most powerful and active volcanoes in Kamchatka. Dinner. Overnight in tents.
Day 6
Excursion to the crater of Mutnovsky volcano (2,323 meters). Hike along the narrow canyon to the crater
Today we will reach the crater of Mutnovsky volcano (2,323 meters). You will have an opportunity to experience firsthand the thundering power of an active volcano - a cantankerous, belching 7,200 ft behemoth. You will feel like you are on another planet when you stand atop its colossal, craggy crater rim. You will see a surreal blue crater lake wreathed in an ethereal cloak of mist, hear a deafening roar of volcanic madness surrounding you, and see sulphur-encrusted fumaroles dispensing jets of steam. We will complete this unforgettable experience by hiking along the narrow canyon to the crater. You will see steep walls surrounding the vast and deep crater cavity with its glittering glaciers split by cracks and torches of fumaroles (A fumarole is an opening in Earth's crust which emit steam and gases such as carbon dioxide, hydrochloric acid, and hydrogen sulphide). Snack lunch in the crater. Return to the camp. The outing lasts 6-7 hours. Overnight in tents.
Day 7
Excursion to the Gorely volcano
Visit to the Paratunka thermal resort
Visit a local farm, folk concert and traditional dinner
Excursion to the Gorely volcano: After breakfast we’ll pack up and get ready for our day’s walk. You’ll need to take extra warm clothing and a water bottle. As on the previous day, we first use a 6WD to get closer to the volcano, and then hike up. Today’s destination - the Gorely volcano, a great geological phenomenon, which attracts professional geologists from all over the world.

The Gorely volcano is a chain of 11 craters, side by side, with lakes, fumaroles, and about 40 secondary slag cones with torrents of lava. Here you’ll feel like a scientist studying the volcanic transformation process - the geological history of our planet! Here we will be able to bathe in a natural pool with thermal water which can reach 40 C°. There is a warm waterfall 70 meters from the source of the stream.

We will also visit a local farm, where a folk concert will be performed in a yurt, a traditional local house. After the concert, you will be welcomed with a traditional dinner, giving you the opportunity to sample various seafood dishes, homemade balsam and the famous Russian vodka.
Day 8
Travel by tourist coach to the old village of Russian Cossacks – Milkovo (306 km)
This is a longer trip (306 km), but will give you the opportunity to learn about another unique, isolated society. On our way, the guide will tell you about the history of Kamchatka’s discovery and colonization by the Russian Cossacks in the 18th century. There is a local museum featuring the life of Russian Cossacks which we will be able to visit. The village is now inhabited by a very interesting population of people known as Kamchadals. This group was formed as a result of the mixture of two completely different nations and cultures: Russian Cossacks and local Itelmen: the name Itelmen means “living here.” Accommodation in a hotel.
Day 9
Esso - settlement of the Evenks people (240 km away)
Another discovery awaits you today in Esso, a settlement of the Evenks people, who are traditional reindeer breeders from Kamchatka. (240 km away). You will be warmly welcomed by dinner and an Evenk folk concert. Accommodation in private apartments in a big wooden house.
Day 10
Flight by helicopter to see the last remaining camp of real Evenk reindeer herds. A whole day at the reindeer camp
We will continue our discovery of the local Evenk culture. We will fly by helicopter to see the last reminging camp of real Evenk reindeer herds. This is a unique opportunity to meet Evenk reindeer herders and get acquainted with the lifestyle and customs of one of the rarest populations in the world - Kamchatka's native Evenks. We will spend a day at the reindeer camp, experiencing their time-honoured way of life and their exotic culture. Overnight in a yurt, the Evenk version of a tent-home.
Day 11
At the reindeer camp. Opportunity to try horseback riding, and watch reindeer herds with the shepherds
We will be able to try horseback riding, watch reindeer herds with the shepherds, and taste the best local dishes and drinks. Overnight in yurts or in your own tents.
Day 12
Return to the settlement of Esso by helicopter. Visit to the local Ethnographic Museum
Return to the settlement of Esso by helicopter. We will visit the local Ethnographic Museum, the most interesting of its type on the whole Kamchatka peninsula. Here we will learn many details about the original inhabitants of Kamchatka - the Evenks, Itelmen, Korjaks, and many others; who form some of the smallest societies on the planet. Accommodation in private apartments.
Day 13
Return to Petropavlovsk by coach
Today we will leave the unique Evenk culture and return to Petropavlovsk by coach. On the way, your guide will tell you interesting stories and legends about the history of the local people and about the nature of Kamchatka. Overnight in a hotel.
Day 14
Boat tour around Avacha bay
We will have a boat tour around Avacha Bay, Petropavlovsk's historic gateway to the world. Try Russians’ favourite leisure activity - fishing, and taste Ukha, the famous Russian fish soup,. We go on to the island of Starichkov to watch sea birds and mammals. This trip is a unique opportunity to see the beautiful countryside around Petropavlovsk from the sea, explore the shores of Avachinskaya Bay, and watch colonies of seabirds in their natural environment. Return to Petropavlovsk for lunch. Overnight in a hotel.
Day 15
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky City tour
We will explore Petropavlovsk - the main city of Kamchatka. We will have a guided city tour and visit the Ethnographic Museum, the central market, an art gallery, and a local crafts workshop. The Ethnographic museum's displays are devoted to the history of the region, its flora and fauna, the native peoples of Kamchatka, and their ancient cultures. You will learn about the ancient tribes that lived in Kamchatka thousands of years ago, and about the discovery of this beautiful land by Russian explorers. The museum also contains interesting exhibits of Kamchatka's wildlife from the Kronotsky Nature Reserve and from volcanoes. Overnight in a hotel.
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Kamchatka / Moscow
Day 16
Check-out from the hotel, transfer to the airport and depart to Moscow
Flight to Moscow: Kamchatka - Moscow
Transfer from the local airport to the international airport
Check-out from the hotel, transfer to the airport and depart to Moscow. Flight from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Moscow.
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Dates and prices
Please read notes at the bottom of the table to learn more about the meaning of each pricing section
Travel package
Year of travel
Travel dates Flights Excluding / Including Single supplement Book
06/08/2024 - 21/08/2024 £3,495 / £4,595 £495 book now

Note on pricing:

  1. All prices are per person, in British Pounds. All included services are listed in the tour dossier and the section "Included" in the tour description.
  2. Price "Including flight" is subject to airfare availability and will be reconfirmed upon your booking. We advise not to delay with booking your tour as airfares may go up.
  3. Price "Excluding flight" does not cover airfare, you are free to book your own flights.
  4. Single supplement goes towards single room (cabin for cruises) accommodation.
See what our clients say about this tour
We are very happy to have served thousands of happy customers who travelled with us.
Everything worked perfect to the plan.
I had a great trip, Kamchatka was awesome. The arrangements went very smoothly, thanks.
We thoroughly enjoyed our adventure around Russia, so many thanks for all your help. Kazan was beautiful and the train was a lot of fun. Our highlight though was definitely the advenuture trip. Seeing bears in the wild was incredible!
Our guide, interpreter & cook were very energetic and helpful. The food quality during the trek was high and plentiful. The pleasant surprise availability of wooden cabins and UNESCO scientist huts accommodation at some sights. MI-8 helicopter transfers gave stunning views of the Krontsky area!
If you only go to Kamchatka once and like hiking - do this trip. Dropped off and picked up by helicopter and spent 2 weeks trekking through wilderness visited by 1-2 groups a year, so don't expect a well trodden path. Great variety from mud baths, hot spring baths, river crossings, walking in living volcano craters, swimming in the ocean and climbing to a glorious blue crater lake at the end and the odd bear, of course. Quite an expedition but with an armed ranger, cook, guide/translater and Russian hospitality - well looked after.

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