Tretiakov Gallery Guided Tour

The State Tretiakov Gallery is the largest museum of Russian art in the world containing the finest collection of traditional Russian painting. The museum represents the complete history of Russian art from the ancient times till nowadays. Its superb collection consists of numerous icons, paintings, sculptures and graphics.
In 1892 millionaire merchant and textiles manufacturer Pavel Tretiakov presented his private museum for Russian art to Moscow city. The museum is housed in the Tretiakov’s former house, the main facade of which, designed by the famous Russian artist V.M. Vasnetsov, was constructed in 1902-1904. The most unique collections of the museum are the Collection of Russian Art of the 9th-10th centuries and the Collection of Soviet Art of 1930-1980. The Tretiakov Gallery, founded in 1856 as a private collection, had its 150th anniversary in 2006. A lot of special exhibitions and publications were dedicated to this event.
A new building of the Tretiakov Gallery at Krymsky Val houses a unique exhibition of modern art: paintings by world-famous Russian avant-garde artists such as Malevich, Kandinsky, Chagall, Filonov, Popova; art works featuring “socialist realism” - an official style of the Soviet state of 1930-50s and avant-garde art of the “second wave” of 1960-80s.
Important. On our tour you will visit the main building of the Tretiakov Gallery.